Housing in the UK is everyone’s biggest concern. The housing sector is one of the largest sectors in the UK. It hosts nationals, internationals and migrants from all over the world. Various laws have been passed to combat the housing problem to make it easier for citizens to live in the UK.
The UK’s housing policies are one of the toughest in the world. It aims to cater to a large population and promises to promote a sustainable and healthy form of living. One policy that seeks to achieve a much more tolerable state of residence is the ‘Right to buy scheme’.
Having your own house is essential. It promises social and financial security. Having your own home gives you immense forms of freedom. The ‘right to buy scheme housing association’ in England makes it possible.
What is the ‘Right to Buy Scheme’?
The ‘Right to buy scheme’ has existed in England for over 40 years. Magaret Thatcher introduced the scheme in the 1980s. The Thatcher administration had realized the importance of buying your own house. And so, they introduced the ‘right to buy scheme’ to make it easier for people to purchase homes. Property is one of the most expensive forms of investment in the UK. With the ‘right to buy scheme,’ those who can not afford to purchase their own homes can do so.
So, what is the right to buy scheme anyway?
The Right to Buy Scheme is a policy in the UK which gives secure tenants the right to purchase houses. Through the right-to-buy scheme, some councils and housing associations provide the legal right to buy homes they live in at a discounted rate. Through this, tenants of the house can buy these homes at an affordable rate. The scheme aims to eradicate the financial and social discrepancies which tend to exist in the Uk related to housing.
The discount rate of these schemes is enormous and can be obtained from about 87,000 BPD (116,000 BPD inside London). If you are concerned about the right to purchase these houses, you shouldn’t worry because, as a tenant, your landlord has a right to inform you about these options.
Why should you utilize the ‘right to buy scheme’?
Housing in the UK is pricey. To avoid spending vast sums of money on rent, you should utilize your’ right to buy scheme.’ That way you can save tonnes of money spent on renting property.
The ‘right to buy scheme’ can give a chance to those who can not purchase a house. It minimizes the costs spend on various expenses. Money saved on paying rents can be used elsewhere by the parties involved.
The initial goal of the ‘right to buy scheme’ is to build a new home for every home sold. The right-to-buy scheme aims to develop a sustainable form of living. It seeks to promote equity and equality in the housing industry. By doing so, it promises to improve the housing services in the UK.
How does it work?
Since the early 70s, local councils had the power to sell their houses to tenants as the Housing Act of 1936 protected them. In the ‘right to buy scheme’, tenants own the places they live in.
In the ‘right to buy scheme,’ the house’s sale price is based entirely on the market valuation. There is a discounted price of 33-50% between the prices, giving an edge to tenants to purchase houses. The local authority is also obliged to pay a mortgage with no deposit. The discount depends on how long the tenant has lived in the house. If the tenant has lived longer, the discount rate is higher. If the home is sold during the probation period, the tenant must return some part of the discounted rate.
The discount is based on the following:
How long you have been a tenant at the public sector landlord.
The type of property you are purchasing.
The value of the property you are purchasing.
The ‘Right to buy scheme’ has the following features:
The discounted value goes up by 1% for every extra year the house is being purchased.
If you have been a sector tenant for 3-5 years, you get a 35% discount.
You receive a 50% discount if you are purchasing a flat and your tenant works in the public sector,
If the house you are living in requires any maintenance or repair, then the discount goes down.
The current right to buy scheme housing association goes beyond the hoax of the previous one. In fact, it allows a large proportion of the population to benefit from the scheme. The current aim for the ‘right to buy scheme’ is to change the ‘generation of rent’ into ‘generation of buy.’ The Department of work and pensions has been working towards increasing pension rates, especially for those who tend to qualify for the right to buy scheme.
Who is eligible?
The Right to Buy Scheme isn’t open for all. There is a set of criteria which you have to meet to apply for the scheme. If there was no requirement, every house in the Uk was to be sold completely.
To apply for the scheme, you must meet at least one of the following criteria:
l You can use the system if the house you live in is your only home. It is a prominent place for you to live. There are no additional options, and your current house is your primary area of residence.
l It is self-contained. You are not living illegally or under anyone’s name or lease. You have achieved the house through all legal means.
l You are a secure tenant. Your house contract is ultimately obtained through lawful means. Your house documents are complete and secure.
l You have a landlord who works in the public sector.
Many critics are not happy with the ‘right to buy scheme’. They believe that instead of promoting a sustainable form of living, it doesn’t promote any benefits. Instead, they think it stigmatizes and isolates the tenants further. Critics also point out that the right-to-buy scheme sells houses at a lower price.
Closing Thoughts
The Right to Buy scheme housing association has been one of the most debated policies in the UK. Although many people are sceptical about its outcome, many remain hopeful that they are beneficial. The ‘Right to buy’ scheme should be utilized by those who fit the criteria. It can help secure your future.